
An Introduction.

Precalculus is a mathematics course designed to prepare high school students for Calculus. The course content primarily includes high school level Algebra and Trigonometry, and some more basic topics that are the foundation stones of Calculus. A student taking Precalculus course learns the concepts, problems, and techniques that are the backbones of the study of calculus.


Main focus of a Precalculus course is the concept of Functions. Functions in one or more variables are quite frequently used in various fields for problem solving. The key ideas and skills of modeling and solving problems algebraically, graphically, numerically, etc. are very useful real life situations as well as in social, economic and corporate fields.

∾ A Note to Student...∾

For your reference and ease of study the chapters are subdivided into several small modules. Each module includes definitions, explanations, example problems, and some practice problems in the end, with link to answers. Application problems are not directly included in these modules. These are discussed at the end of each chapter. We hope you would find this structure useful in picking up whatever topic you need more practice on, and study that module in detail with sufficient practice.

The modules are prepared based on the following textbooks:

All the best...

You can choose the modules from the list below: