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Thanks to:
Sister Shivani
Mr. Suresh Oberio 
for excellent questions to awaken our SELF

An excellent & enlightening discussion
Mr. Suresh Oberoi
with Sister Shivani

The Reason why there is so little happiness in the world is dependency. Happiness is not dependent on anything or anyone or found anywhere. We keep delaying our happiness until things are just right in our life. We think we will be happy in the future and then wonder why we are happy now. Happiness is only possible when we are able to accept everyone as they are, at every moment, in every situation. That means an end to judging or resisting others, an end to complaining and blaming, an end to criticizing and controlling and an end to competing with anyone. It means the awakening and the acceptance of self-responsibility. It is only when we choose thoughts and feelings aligned with our true nature of purity, peace and love that we shift from asking to sharing; holding on to letting go; expectations to acceptance; past & future to being in the now. We create a life of joy, contentment and bliss, because we have the choice and the power. Happiness is a Decision

Sister Shivani is a practitioner of Rajyoga Meditation of the Brahma Kumaris. With a background in engineering, her ability to analyse deep rooted emotions like ego, stress, anger, fear, is empowering people to take personal responsibility of their thoughts and choose a life where acceptance and contentment is natural. She presents a logical yet comfortable way of adopting spirituality and thereby creating beautiful relationships, with yourself, others and God.

Suresh Oberoi is an internationally recognised Indian film actor having done over 250 films in the last 35 years. A multi-talented personality, he has excelled in all genres of the media. He has a keen interest in exploring and experiencing spirituality in practical life. His deep desire is to reach out to the world to spread the seeds of spirituality, as he firmly believes that it is the only way to heal the mind and body and experience true love and happiness.

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