Print on Demand…

A buzz word these days for the print buyers…

What is Print on Demand (POD)?

Traditionally, print runs vary from a minimum of 100 to 1000s to Lakhs, depending on the requirement from the client. In case of Books, it is very difficult for the publisher / author to estimate the number of copies that could have a potential market. In such cases, POD concept helps.

The pricing of the book is a very important factor for a book to create good revenue or a potential break-even in the initial edition itself.

From the buyer’s perspective, one buys a book even if only a few chapters are required. Paying a price for the entire book is a pinch in the pocket, though not realized in principle by many buyers. They accept the price to be paid for reading the chapters they really wish to read. However, if they are offered only chapters of their requirement, for a price which is affordable and marginally lesser than the price for the entire book, it will be a sure buy.

From the seller’s perspective, the book will be sold for its content on demand. This will definitely help in generating better revenue and at the same time to know which chapters are being sold more. Probably, the most sold chapter can be collated as a separate edition with customized table of contents list.

Makes sense for the buyer and and seller and it is definitely a “win-win” situation for both….

In the present days with the electronic publishing growing in leaps and bounds, more such solutions are possible taking advantage of the digital content management possibilities.

It is upto the publishers and auhors to take advantage of this situation to make their projects more affordable, accessible and offering needed content….

Comments on this is welcome throwing light on potential solutions…

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